
LG LCD Monitor & better electricity sparingly

LCD Monitor W52TE and W53 have been released to the market by PT. LG electrics Indonesia, although in Indonesia has many of the LCD monitor vendors from south korea but LG claims that the LCD monitor that has the advantages that are not owned by the vendor and in addition to electricity sparingly.

Are presented with two screen sizes, 22 inch and 19 inch, these products absorb only 22 watts to 22 inch size, and 20 watts on the 19 inch screen. While the condition is not used or standbay mode, the power was only 0.3 watts. Clearly, any time, this expenditure can be cut off electricity to 50 percent.

There is not enough, there is another technology offered by the auto bright. This feature enables this product is able to analyze the light conditions that are tailored to the room, such as the level iluminasi color and light. Features that will not easily make eye tired stare monitor, although the rooms are dark.

Cinema mode is one of the innovations offered by another LG monitor. Here the user can focus light on film or video clips, such as in the YouTube site, so that the light on the page outside of the file will be dark. Way, users can simply put the cursor on the slide show video clips to be used.

If interested you have to grope in the pocket tolerable. The LCD monitor W52TE and W53, dibanderol with prices as much as much RP9.548.000 or USD800.